Best Sheet Music at Bestscore

Seit ich ihn gesehen (Frauenliebe und -leben) in B flat major, Op.42 No.1

CompositorRobert Schumann
Lírico Adelbert von Chamisso
Gênero Clássico / Canção
Instrumentação Piano, Soprano
Composição paraDueto
Tipo de composiçãoScore for two performers
chave Si (B) bemol maior
dificuldade Medium
The famouse romanze by Robert Schumann for voice and piano Seit ich ihn gesehen from the cycle Frauenliebe und -leben. The sheet music is in B flat major and the voice range is from Es4 to Es5. Tthe song can be performed by soprano voice and piano.
Please contact me via the contact form on my personal site if you need this sheet music transposed in any other key, no matter lower or higher.

data de postagem: 02 fev 2012